Tuesday, 22 December 2020

The White, Pink, Blue, and Golden Light Bulb


Q and A - A scientifically based discussion

Depiction of  ED28/ED90 'Filament-LED' Bulb

Q What is it intended to be, how to look like?
A - It is proposed to come in a form of a 'filament LED' bulb of ED23,5, ED90 or ED120 shape, possible with a number of 8 LED-filaments, 2 for each color, in a light color sequence of WHITE, PINK, BLUE and GOLDEN.

Q - So, is it similar to what is known as a filament-LED bulb in the nowadays state of art?
A - Yes, it is really a 'filament LED' bulb, but with the 'filaments' emitting light of different colors, each one, as described.

Q - If so, is it achievable as 'tomorrow', or 'next week', or 'next month'? Or does it need some particular research?
A - Yes, in principle it might be achieved. It depends however on what you have 'at disposal'.

Q - OK! If so, then let's see how can we get it. There were also comments on the 2012portal on this subject. So, how can the readers of the awakening communities have some of this lamps for their home or backyard?
A - We will find it together.
– The light color  sequence of White, Pink, Blue, and Golden, is with that of same color being on the opposing points of the 2 frames on which the LED-filaments, in number of 8, are positioned.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020



Q and A - A discussion, - subjects from this blog, - esoterics

NOTICE! This post is NOT scientifically documented, consider it for LEISURE only.

Q - We find many times in this blog that something is related to esoterics or esoteric purposes. Can you give more details, can we go into much more details, to have a better understanding what do you mean in this way?

A - Yes, we can! But, let's not go in deep details in this post. Better in another post may we go in details for each particular subject, as case might be.

Q - There were even on the 2012portal some comments about something like lampposts for esoterics or contact zones, or so. What are this?

A - Not the lamppost itself, but rather the lighting fixture, the luminaire, might be considered in this way. As an example, try to consider a post-top lighting unit/fixture with a large lampshade.

Q - OK! Is the case of this one: http://lightcommunitylighting.blogspot.com/2018/01/blog-post_22.html?

A - It may be, it is the first one which's blue-prints are posted on this blog. But, let's give a look to this one https://lightcommunitylighting.blogspot.com/p/outdoor-post-top-lighting-unit-extended.html, and, yes, considering that the inside having the same componence of that above mentioned.

Q - Yes! But it's still a common lighting fixture for outdoor general lighting, isn't it?

A - You are right! In this form it is, or might be so, thus it depends on what you put inside. The large volume of the lampshade allows you anything. So, let's go to the post http://lightcommunitylighting.blogspot.com/2019/01/blog-post_22.html, and look at the geometry patterns there.

Q - But, what have in common the lighting fixture with the geometry pattern? 

A - As pieces apart they have nothing, but they will have if you put them together. So, you have to put  inside of the (lampshade) lighting unit a cage (made by copper, or else) in the form of the desired geometry pattern, with the bulb positioned as in the image on right.

– In the same way we invite you to take into consideration the effect of insetting  any kind of sacred geometry pattern (made by copper or else) in our proposed large size outdoor light units (surrounding the bulb, inside the lampshade).

– These outdoor lighting units are suitable to be placed around the buildings housing the tachyon healing chambers to attract more higher dimensional energy… As case may be, colored high power existing discharge lamps may be used.

Q - And another kind of usage for what you call 'esoterics'?

A - Imagine the effect of one or more outdoor post-top lighting units (as above, or smaller) which might be also installed around the Thachyon Chamber buildings, with each lighting unit having inside the lampshade a mandala of 12 light tubes, (circled around, inside the lampshade), with the colors of 'The 12 Roses' (thus there are described only 9): White Rose, Yellow Rose, Amber Rose, Green Rose, Blue Rose, Lavender Rose, Red Rose, Orange Rose, and Black Rose, to attract more higher dimensional energy…

 more content to come...

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Rare Gases HID Lamps


Q and A - Researchment, Questions and Expectations

Q - Let's start from here: In a previous post you claim that you have only the Xenon, as a pure rare gas for high intensity discharges, for lighting. And you have here and there some Krypton arc-lamps, but not for lighting. Do you have to add something more?
A - Yes, that is! But we refer not to what is known as short-arc lamps or flash lamps. We will discuss about lamps that are not short-arc, nor what is named as 'long-arc' lamps.

Q - Can you tell more about what you find as 'long-arc' lamps?
A - There are commonly named so lamps that are also of high intensity discharge of high power, of KW.

Q - And the arc tubes of the lamps shown in the depiction, what kind of arc length are?
A - We named them as medium-arc, only to make a distinction from that one of long or short arc, thus you find it not as a category. Consider them arc tubes of xenon flash lamps adapted for the experiment.

Q - And, will these flash lamp tubes work in a continuous mode, instead of flashing?
A - You need to achieve a stable arc discharge. If there is, you might have surprises with overheating. You need either to underdrive them, but maintaining arc stability, or to use large outer bulbs and a heat conductive gas that also prevents arcing. But, that's the research, that's the experiment, that is when you question...

 content to come...

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Redefining Fluorescent HID Mercury Lamps


Q and A - Researchment Proposal, Questions and Expectations

Depiction of experimental mercury lamps

Q - Let start to be more clear, to have a better understanding. In a previous post you claim that the mercury lamps as a whole represent a mature technology.  What do you try to redefine, which might be the goal of the proposed research?
A - Yes, that is! But the mercury lamps, as a whole, as well as other technologies, have grown and developed their maturity from a commercial point of view. From other points of view, as the interest resulting from discussion in our posts, there is still a room for other developments.

Q - Now it seems to come out the 'non-commercial' interest, esoterics, rainbow colors, and so on... Isn't it!
A - For sure it is! We try to exploit the 'uncharted' side of the high pressure mercury lamps, either those used for lighting, and for UV as well. More exactly we head into the mercury HIDs for using more 'fluorescence' to achieve more 'colors' in their light.

Q - Let we also look back to a previous post and try a comparative description with the fluorescent medium pressure mercury lamp?
A - Yes, here it is: https://lightcommunitylighting.blogspot.com/2020/08/blog-post.html.

Q - What is it intended to be, how to look like?
A - What it is in fact! A high pressure mercury lamp, in a form of a HID lamp, shaped as an ED/BT fluorescent coated bulb with an E39/40 screw cap, or even the E33 size for ED23.5 and ED28 bulbs.

Q - Then what the difference from what is known nowadays as a lamp of this kind?
A - It will have a greater amount of UV in order to bring in more visible light due to fluorescence, or, as case may be, a colored glass too.

Q - And the fluorescent coating?
A - For sure will it be of the type used in high pressure mercury lamp, heat resistant.

Q - Would you expect a variety of colors of light as in the supposed case of the fluorescent medium pressure mercury lamp?
A - No! It will be rather a variety of 'Deluxe' colors, and some few more soft colors. The heat resistant fluorescent powders that convert near UV into visible are very few comparative to those sensitive for 254nm.

Q - Then, what does the constructive difference consist in, if we look at the standard coated high pressure mercury lamps?
A - The experiments are headed for some special constructions of these lamps. Some will be considered to be underdriven and others to be overdriven.

Q - But does not seem strange, if you propose into research to work HID mercury lamps with missmatching ballasts?
A - We do not propose the commercially usage of missmatching lamps with ballasts. If you question something, you have to draw your own conclusion. Lamps will have special construction, as case, for underdriving or overdriving, as well.

Q - What kind of lamps are proposed to be underdriven in the experiment?
A - There will be, on one hand, the common arc tubes used in manufacturing of high pressure mercury lamps for lighting, of medium power. On the other hand, there will be the high pressure mercury UV lamps or even medium pressure ones, of low power. But all have to be mounted inside a vacuum outer bulb of a smaller size than that corresponding for a certain power of lamp.

Q - What are the lamps shown in the depiction on top?
A - The left one is a medium pressure mercury UV lamp of 1000W (as an arc-tube, 145V/7.5A-130V/8.6A) inside a vacuum BT37/BT120 outer bulb. That on right is a high pressure mercury arc-tube of 1000W (7.5A, for general lighting) in a vacuum outer bulb of ED37/ED120 size. There are intended to be run for measurements on magnetic ballasts of 700W (5.4A, for mercury lamps) and on that of 600W (5.5-5.8-6.2A, for sodium lamps), or, even on that for 400W lamps (4.6A).

Q - OK! Let's go into details. How need to be the lamps for underdriving experiments?
A - As an example, you will have a lamp with an ED28/ED90 (outer bulb that usually corresponds to 175-250W bulbs) encapsulating an arc tube used for 400W (3.25A), but in vacuum. Heat reflective coatings are also needed on the ends of the arc-tube. And you will burn it on a sodium/MH ballast (a magnetic one, for the experiment) of 250W (3.00A), a mercury ballast of 250W (2.15A) or even a sodium/MH ballast of 150W (1.80A).
For sure, you will search for if the underdriven arc tube works however at a reasonable high temperature. You expect that the vacuum and the smaller outer bulb will prevent the heat loss of the underdriven arc tube, and this might lead to an arc tube working sufficiently hot, but also with some higher UV emission, at least in the near UV. So, to have at disposal a greater amount of UV for fluorescent conversion.
Consider the second image for them.

Q - How need to be the lamps for overdriving experiments?
A - As an example, you will have a lamp with an ED37/ED120 (outer bulb that usually corresponds to the 400W bulbs) encapsulating an arc tube used for 250W (2.15A), but in an atmosphere of a heat conductive gas which prevents arcing. And you will burn it on a mercury ballast (a magnetic one, for the experiment) of 400W, 3.25A, or on a sodium/MH ballast of 250W, 3.00A.
In this case, you will search if the overdriven arc tube works however at a reasonable temperature, not too hot. You expect that the gas filling and the larger outer bulb will prevent the overheating of the overdriven arc tube, and this might lead to an arc tube working not excessively hot, but also with some higher visible light emission, thus possible not so much UV. So, you have at disposal a greater amount of visible light.
The need of this experiment is for only the case you intend to use a colored glass for the outer bulb, beside of the fluorescent coating.
The third image resambles these at best, but getter is not needed.

Q - And, why do you need to overdrive arc-tubes for the case of bulbs using colored glass?
A - It is expected a broader visible light spectrum from the arc-tube (solely,  no due to fluorescence), so you suppose to have at disposal more wavelengths to be filtered by the colored glass.

Q - Will be also a case of experimenting arc tubes, as there are designed to work, not overdriven or underdriven?
A - Yes, the case will be with only high pressure UV lamps, but not the case of arc tubes used for lighting.

Q - Yes! That ones for lighting are already in use as a mature technology. But what do you look for with those lamps used for UV?
A - Experimental bulbs (in form of ED/BT, outer bulb) need to be build with high pressure UV lamps used as arc tubes inside the ED/BT outer bulbs, either in vacuum or with filling gas.
You need to find out the behavior of the UV lamp (now as an arc tube inside an outer bulb) comparative with the parameters of that UV lamp solely.

Q - So, again would you need the experimental uncoated ED/BT bulbs, as in the case of the experiments with medium pressure mercury UV lamps?
A - Exactly! For each of particular experiment there is the need of a clear (uncoated lamp).


more content to come...

Image of high pressure fluorescent coated colored mercury lamp of 400W with BT37/BT120 outer bulb: www.lamptech.co.uk

Image of Deluxe high pressure mercury lamps
[only for illustration and educative purpose]

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

The Nitrogen-Argon Medium/High Pressure Discharge Lamp

A Possible Light Source for General Lighting and Esoteric Use

Q and A - Researchment proposal

Q - What is it intended to be, how to look like?
A - The medium/high pressure variant of the low pressure one.

Q - What kind of lamp is it expected to look like?
A - A dielectric barrier medium/pressure discharge lamp, as in depiction above.

Q - And are you sure that it will work as a dielectric barrier discharge lamp? That not strange phenomenon will come out?
A - This might be the starting point of the experiment. A similar question and answer was in the previous post. You have to be open to possibilities.

content to come...

Related links:

Spectral intensity of the N2 emission in argon low-pressure arc discharges for lighting purposes