Saturday, 22 June 2019

Untitled Post

ISLANDS and AREAS of LIGHT - Infrastructure Development

Electricity - The HFAC (high frequency alternating current) microgrid

If you are an 'indoctrinated professor', or even are you considering that free-energy devices should 'give' you the same of 50/60Hz for your home appliances,
then give a read here:

You will understand what latently stands 'above' the 50/60Hz in  power distribution.
You will also understand what may mean 'the war of frequencies' in the up coming 'free energy' world.
It's not at all only our 'imagination'.
If you are an awakened, and also are you concerned in the domain,... inform yourself, prepare yourself!...

If you are a strong supporter of the LVDC distribution system, - as we also are up to a certain point, at least to the point of the first Islands of Light development, - so, if that's your case, try to envision the 'only DC' in the long awaited 'free energy' world.
And, try to understand that you are going to fall in another kind of 'indoctrination'... That of the 'only DC' world.

Try to understand that 'the war of currents' has to be replayed, for both of them to 'win-win' their part.

Each one has to win it's place in a 'descentralized' power system world.

Related Links:

Advanced High Frequency AC Microgrid with integrated power quality conditioning capability

A Hybrid Building Power Distribution System in Consideration

High Frequency AC Power Systems

power quality and emc issues with future electricity networks

High Frequency AC Power Distribution Platforms

Distributed Intelligent Energy Management System for a Single-Phase High-Frequency AC Microgrid

Some considerations of arc protection and breaker design for high frequency AC power distribution systems

Experimental Evaluation of Active Filtering in a Single-Phase High-Frequency AC Microgrid

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