Sunday, 26 May 2019


AREAS and ISLANDS of LIGHT Infrastructure Development

Electricity: The 'return' of the DC (direct Current) – LVDC Miscellaneous

A 'war of voltages' is expected to burst out in the 'DC world'...
It might be even more 'everlasting' than the previous 'war of currents', and there is still an unpredictable result...

And, the more, it is already silently unfolding, thus not yet is it 'loudly' declared. And it might last as long,.. till the 'Ascension' process.

Even the 380V DC voltage has not won in this war. The 350V DC and the 400V DC are still walking around, maybe trying to 'depose' it... 

For now, the 'war of voltages' concerning LVDC distribution, (and above the 'established' values of 12, 24, 48V ELVDC), may unfold (and 'rage') including  LVDC voltages as might be 120, 125, 220, 240, 300, 350, 380, 400, and even 550V DC...

So, outside of this war can be considered the DC (extra low) voltages as are 12V, 24V, 48V DC. And,... in this range, as the case may be, have we to design our stand-alone DC (solar power or other kind of 'free energy') nano-grids. 

However, in this 'war of DC voltages' there are expected some 'happy ends' to occur, on some 'fronts' of interests...

Why seem this particular 'war' a non-destructive one, is that all the 'combatants' have the same interest: promoting a 'DC world' against the currently 'all seeing' AC of 50/60Hz  distribution.

This 'war of DC voltages' may lead in fact to a win-win solution on the  'DC side' of combatants,... and hopely to a 'win-lose' in the favor of DC against the highly disgusting AC of 50/60Hz.

And, as expected, a 'proxy' of this undeclared 'war of DC voltages' is also unfolding in the IEC, in order to set up the needed  LVDC standards, finally with a preferable 'win-win' resolution in the form of a broad range of standardized LVDC voltages.
Endless debates are conducted in the IEC Technical Committees. 
The SEG-4 was formed:,FSP_LANG_ID:11901,25"Systems Evaluation Group - Low Voltage Direct Current Applications, Distribution and Safety for use in Developed and Developing Economies".

Discussion to continue...

Useful Links:

LVDC: electricity for the 21st century

IEC approves Systems Committee for LVDC

LVDC grid based on PV energy sources and multiple electrochemical storage technologies

Military DC-DC Power Converters


Nanogrids: The Ultimate Solution for Creating Energy-Aware Buildings?

Local DC Power Based Electricity Infrastructure : Game Changer in  Global Power

Is 2019 Finally the year to go Solar? Lessons learned after 8 years with Solar Panels

Wire Sizing Tool for 12, 24 and 48 Volt DC Systems

Open Nanogrid - Drafting an open standard for an extra low voltage DC electricity grid

Solaric Bangladesh Operation (Upazila wise)

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