Friday, 9 November 2018



Subject of Research and Discussion:

The Compact 'External Electrodes Discharge Lamp'... as an antenna for resonant frequency healing and 'multi-waves' outdoor broadcasting.

Depiction of the proposed UHF plasma antenna in
 the form of an external electrode short discharge tube.

Discussion to continue...

Suitable high voltage lampholder on our page:

* * * *

If you are an 'average' awakened specialist, then imagine a "CopenLabs Multi Wave Oscillator" like device, for outdoor environmental healing.

Of course it has to be different...

But,... imagine that instead of samples of remedies,... you try to keep the energy from certain sources (i.e. the Great Cintamani Stone, a.o.) and to project the energy onto the desired place.

Instead of the well known antenna, we consider to spread the energy through the under discussion special plasma discharge unit.

On the other hand, the plasma (as known from physics), as a 'most' common state of... the 'universe',... seems to be more suitable for light spreading, for 'esoteric' purposes than other 'new' and, or, upcoming more or less 'solid' light sources...

From our point of view, the plasma light sources will 'survive' in post Event era as well, at least from the, here under discussion, points of view...

... even if not for general lighting, of course...

And... if you are the 'average awakened'... yeess,... you will understand, or at least find that beside of (the now under 'extinguishing'...) incandescent lamps,... there are also considered as 'incandescent' the 'hot cathodes', and the LEDS as well...

If you don't believe,... do your own research...

Here a starting point:
Characteristic Properties of Advanced Coil-External Electrodes of Fluorescent Lamps:

But!... a question is to what degree could you 'accelerate' an 'external electrode' discharge to lead it into an arc discharge, or even into an 'external electrode HID lamp'.

... In any way,... think it from a high frequency point of view...

Light units (Lighting Fixtures / Luminaires) will come on the blog, designed to host the all proposed 'plasma tubes' and 'lamps'...

Do not expect to be 'cosmos' like appearances, but there will be at disposal to give the possibility of the test of different 'plasmas' on the same condition.

You will have enclosed post-top outdoor units (you have them already), there are coming ('soon') the radial waves ones (unclosed),... there will also come enclosed side-mounted lanterns and 'house big' units for the case of the necessity to host sized tubes.
...think to the 'Texas tubes' (give a search to it)...

E40/Mog high voltage lampholders (extended) will come 'in the not too distant future' capable to host (house-big) BT lamps (i.e. BT200) for the under discussion applications...

We do not wait from 'others' to 'borrow' the needed components,... we come with ours, ... into the development of our Light Communities,...

doing the 80% of work, and awaiting from the Light Forces for the other 20%,...

or better to be said,... we draw the research lines (the 80%) and the LF will tell us how feasible our subject of research is (the other 20%) in order to succeed.

Related links:

The "TEXAS Tube" - a Man-Sized Rife/Bare Tube:

Bill's 'Rife' plasma tubes ('house big', - 48in/1,2m length and 4in/100mm dia.): 

Advanced Coil-External Electrodes of Fluorescent Lamps:

External-electrode discharge lamp with no light leakage from external electrode portion:

A smart fluorescent antenna for Wi-Fi applications:

Related patents:  

Antenna Lamp:

Cobra's up to date post:

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